Various dates from our cruising around the Baltic
— at Vasamuseet / The Vasa Museum
— at Helsinki zoo – Korkeasaari
— at SkyWheel Helsinki
— at Visby, Gotland Island, Sweden
30th July 2021
The Crazy Magic Show with James and Sean
29th July 2021
On board the Gabriella I perform a double act with my oldest friend Sean Turner.
We’ve been friends since we were 4 and 5 years old.
We both went on to become performers, me a magician and him an actor and comedian.
When I got the call to say this years summer cruise contract was going ahead with just 3 or 4 weeks notice and that I needed a partner for the show I got straight on the phone to Sean. We’d both been doing “normal jobs” because of the pandemic and I wasn’t even certain he’d want to do the contract since it’s magic and he isn’t a magician, but obviously I sold the idea to him.
This poster is advertised on the various TV screens on the ship to advertise the show.
And it’s bloody funny.
I’ll upload a clip later on.
10th June 2021
Hello, did you miss me?
I’m away on board the Gabriella.
It’s great to be back to doing magic after Covid put all our lives on hold.
Before flying out I made myself rehearse every day for 3 weeks because I knew I was going to be rusty after approximately 16 months of no gigs, but when I walked out on stage on the first night I just slid straight back into it like I’d never stopped.
Also, just last night my favourite thing happened in the show. If you haven’t seen my show, I close by throwing the music system up in the air and it vanishes in mid air. The reason that’s my closer is when I was 8 years old I saw a magician do almost exactly the same trick and at the time my jaw hit the floor. I was totally blown away, and it’s largely the reason why I became a magician.
So last night when I threw my music system up in the air and it vanished, I saw one of the kids reaction and it was pretty much exactly the same reaction I had when I was 8. That was potentially a life changing moment for that kid, same as it was for me.
It made my night. I was buzzing.
— in Stockholm, Sweden.
9th March 2020
When I first embarked on this crazy venture to be a magician I always dreamed of getting booked for a cruise up the Nile and going to see the pyramids. Well this cruise isn’t precisely as I dreamed because the valley of the kings is nowhere near any pyramids, but I’m still chalking it up as dream come true.
I swear I have to pinch myself sometimes
— at Valley of the Kings
8th March 2020
The Stage is set for my magic show on board the Marco Polo
4th March 2020
I left the house at 9pm on Monday and it’s now Wednesday 10:17am local time for Oman.
About to board the Marco polo. Second time entertaining on this ship
31st December 2019/1st January 2020
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year from on board King Seaways in Amsterdam.
15th October 2019
So when I was in Casablanca my wife had asked me to try and get a picture outside of Rick’s cafe that featured in the movie called Casablanca.
I knew I didnt have long to look around because I had to catch a flight at 4pm and so I didn’t really try to look for it, but the driver that the ship arranged to take me to the airport pointed it out to me when we were passing so I asked to stop and get a photo.
My wife couldnt believe it when I messaged her with it.
15th October 2019
This is the mosque in Casablanca.
It’s famous because the wailing tower is 200 meters tall which makes it the second tallest in the world. The tallest is in mecca.
I only have a few hours in Casablanca as I have to catch my flight back to the UK
15th October 2019
Jus’ like that!
This photo was taken moments before an angry store owner told me not to put the hats on without asking first. — in Casablanca, Morocco.
14th October 2019
That’s both of my final days shows done now.
What a lovely bunch the passengers were.
We had mainly Australians on board and they were a great laugh. So down to earth (as well as down under) and with a great sense of humour.
I’ve had an amazing time!!!
The audience on the first sitting of my second show was a packed house and they very kindly gave me the most enthusiastic standing ovation I’ve ever had. I havent had many, maybe 3 in my entire life but this one just felt a little bit extra special for some reason.
Things just seemed to fall into place nicely tonight.
I’ve got a long journey back to the UK tomorrow, and then I’m straight into the Halloween season with back to back shows for the next couple of weeks. Its exhausting, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
14th October 2019
The threatre on board the Vasco da Gama.
I took it from the performers perspective this time.
The stage is set for my second show which I will perform twice tonight.
14th October 2019
Its bucketing down but when was I gonna get another chance to get a pic while we sail under the 25th April bridge? — at Ponte 25 de Abril.
13th October 2019
Lisbon by night.
Taken from the top of the ship.
It’s been raining so it’s a bit wet, it’s stopped now though.
I finally managed to get a half decent shot of the ship.
I had a lovely day wandering round Lisbon and managed to see a few things I missed the last time I was here. I’ve been out for a good 7 or 8hrs so I’m knackered now.
Tomorrow we’re at sea and I do my final 2 shows then as well. Then the following day we arrive in Casablanca and I fly home from there. The passengers sail on round the world for another 7 weeks. — in Lisbon, Portugal.
I slopped caramel sauce from my ice cream onto my white T-Shirt, so now I’m clearly labelled as a tourist — in Lisbon, Portugal.
Oh dear, it seems I’m not allowed in.
at Museo De Marinha.
I was in Lisbon 2 years ago on board the Marco Polo and didn’t get the chance to visit this museum so i made a bee line for it this time.
at Museo De Marinha.
at Museo De Marinha.
Belem Tower. — in Lisbon, Portugal.
Urgh. I was gonna go in, but I dont fancy queuing. — at Jardim da Torre de Belém.
25th April bridge.
Similar to the Golden gate bridge. — in Lisbon, Portugal.
11th October 2019
This is my office for tonight. What a beautiful stage to perform on.
The passengers are mainly Australians and they’re a great bunch with a great sense of humour which is perfect for my style of show.
One couple told me that they enjoyed my show so uch that they came back for the second sitting. I don’t think that has ever happened before so I was quite chuffed.
10th October 2019
The pool on board the Vasco da Gama.
The roof retracts so when it’s hot and sunny it becomes an outdoor pool.
My first show is tomorrow night. Can’t wait 😀
9th October 2019
Just joined the Vasco Da Gama for some magic shenanigans. The cruise is sailing from Tillbury in London and sails to Australia, but I leave when we get to Morocco once I’ve done my shows.
11th August 2019
It’s our last day in Stockholm today. It’s been a fun 2 months, and I love the guys on our ship and all the mental antics we get up to. On and off stage.
Theres a lot of downtime with no internet access, so it really helps.
I’ve been wanting to come up and see this view for the last 3 years. There’s normally an eye painted on the side of one of the Rocks which you can see from the ship, but it appears to have been washed off.
Hopefully we’ll be back again next summer but they might not book us again next year, so thought it was best to take the opportunity while I’m here. — at Stockholms Harbour.
The eye has been washed off
7th August 2019
The ship docked next to us today is the CMV Columbus.
I went to Egypt on that ship last year

5th August 2019
And this was the MS Gabriella *world* record for the entire summer for kid balancing cups on top of a playing card. This kid managed to balance 14 cups which absolutely smashed the previosu record of 12.
Even grown ups were struggling to balance more than 8.
3rd August 2019
The Disney magic is in dock next to us today in Stockholm.
2nd August 2019
I just got some unexpected good news. I’m not even finsished this cruise contract yet, but I’ve just been booked to go on board The Vasco Da Gama. Cant wait!!!
1st August 2019
It’s the M/S Gabriellaentertainments team.
starting from top left Tom, Jonas, Lee, Amanda, James (me).
30th July 2019
Nice shot of the ship whilst crossing the bay in Stiockholm on a ferry
24th July 2019
Todays adventure with Cristian the ships photographer at Kastellholmen.
23rd July 2019
Aaaaand my heads off again — in Finland.
22nd July 2019
Wandering the ships corridors on my way to the magic show.
18th July 2019
It’s the craaaaazy magic show!!!!!!!! This is the magic show that I perofrm with Lee. We work together on this show as you really need two people.
18th July 2019
So first up, you’ve probably noticed that my hair is not blue in this picture. That’s because I ran out of blue hair dye and went out into Stockholm to buy some, it’s in the bag you see in the picture. Normal hair colour will be resumed very shortly 😀
We’ve had loads of fun riding round Stockholm on these electric scooters today.
You just scan the scooter and pay for however long you use it for.
We stopped and had a milkshake at McDonalds and it let’s you pause your ride and doesnt let anyone take the scooter. Then when you’re finished you just click on ‘end ride’ in the app and it charges your bank account.
Much better than walking and sweating on a hot day like today.
If you look online it seems the whole of Europe are using these, except for the UK. Typical. — at Vikingterminalen.
16th July 2019
Todays adventure with Cristian the ships photographer at Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Sweden
I’ve never seen anything like this before.
The painting is skewed, but when you view it in the reflective cylinder it looks normal. Very the hell do you manage to work out how to paint that? — at Nationalmuseum.
aaaand now we’re heading back to the ship
14th July 2019
Dammit, my head fell off in todays show
12th July 2019
The Viking line very early staff Christmas party curry
9th July 2019
A flamethrower balloon model made in time to Firestarter by the Prodigy.
My little tribute to Keith Flint for this summer seasons shows. — in Helsinki.
4th July 2019
Well impressed that this girl managed to balance 5 cups in todays magic school.
27th June 2019
At last!!!
It is time for the greatest thing in all of Finland.
Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, I give you… Kanelli Bulle!!!!!!!!!! (Cinnamon buns)
24th June 2019
Sailing out of Stockholm today. I went to the top of the ship to enjoy the view and the ships photographer took this. — in Stockholm, Sweden.

21st June 2019
Mid summer celebrations at sea on board M/S Gabriella. It’s a big deal in scandinavian countries.
20th June 2019
This young man was very pleased with himself in todays magic school.
As you can see, he’s learned how to balance a cup on top of a playing card. — in Stockholm, Sweden.
17th June 2019
I came out on deck to have a little peek at the view of Helsinki. No time to get off the ship unfortunately. at Kauppatori, Helsinki, Finland.
16th June 2019
3rd year back on board the Gabriella for the whole summer. ? — in Stockholm, Sweden.
1st January 2019
Happy New Year from Amsterdam everyone!
I hope you all had fun last night. I performed for 4hrs on board the ship las night and was utterly exhausted by the end of it. I actually went to bed before the 12 o clock bell.
I must be getting old lol.
I’ve got another performance tonight, but first I’m going to enjoy the sights of Amsterdam.
30th December 2018
New years eve magic adventures!!!
Just boarded King seaways. This is my 4th year in a row performing on this ship.
I’m off to Amsterdam for new years eve and new years day, then straight back home.
I’ve got two performances to do whilst on board, but the rest of the time is my own.
12th August 2018
My 9 weeks of magic adventures on board M/S Gabriella are now over!
We’ve had an amazing time entertaining on board, but as is true with most things in life it’s the people that really make it special, and the crew we’ve been working with are the absolute best.
I’m ready for going home now, but I’d be very sad if I didn’t get to come back and see my Finnish buddies again.
It would be impossible to get everyone in a single photo as they are never all on board the ship at the same time, but they all know who they are and we will keep in touch.
UK here I come!!!

From left to right: Our cruise director Thommy, Me, our programme host Linda, and my co performer Lee.
11th August 2018
That’s my final show of this season done.
8th August 2018
I found my shop
26th July 2018
Tallinn, Estonia.
I haven’t got time to get off and have a look around, which is a shame, but I wasn’t going to miss the chance to go on deck and have a little look.
One day I’ll have to come back and spend some time here.
25th July 2018
Swedens National Anthem
Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord
Du tysta, Du glädjerika sköna!
Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord,
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.
Du tronar på minnen från fornstora dar,
då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden.
Jag vet att Du är och förblir vad du var.
Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.
According to the tour guide the Swedes love singing their national anthem. I couldn’t pronounce most of the words though.
Managed to get a nice shot of the ship whilst crossing the bay on a ferry
19th July 2018
Bloody photo bombers — at The Royal Palace Stockholm.
17th July 2018
An Englishman, a Macedonian, and an Indian walk into a bar/curry house — eating Indian food at Restaurang Gandhi, Stockholm, Sweden.
These guys are Anil (top right) and Stefan (bottom right). They’re the ships photographers and we’ve been hanging out together.
16th July 2018
We’re docked in Helsinki today, and apparently Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are metting just behind that big wheel. I came out on deck to see if I could catch a glimpse… I didn’t 🙁
13th July 2018
Okay, I admit it, I do get a bit of a thrill from seeing my name advertised on a bill board
8th July 2018
Kids can now finally understand my Finnish.
There’s a part in one of my routines where I have to get the volunteer to hold a bucket and then I produce a stream of coins from their nose which fall into the bucket.
But every time I hold out the bucket and say ‘Pida Kiini’ (hold this) they never understand, but for the last two shows they’ve undertsood perfectly.
I guess Finnish spoken with a Geordie accent is quite a rare and unusual thing.
29th June 2018
There’s kids on board this cruise which is unusual compared to other ships I’ve performed on, so I always like to choose one of the kids to help during the show. And of course I can’t send them away empty handed, so they always get an extra special balloon model. In this case I decided to make a balloon model of the ships mascot called Ville Viking.
22nd June 2018
Pic from tonight’s magic show (or just after)
I held up the balloon and asked who wants to help me with a trick and win this balloon and this little girl was first to put her hand up.
12th June 2018
Just spotted the Marco Polo in dock right next to us.
I was on that ship in October.
11th June 2018
That’s our first magic show done of this summer’s contract on board the M/S Gabriella.
Having great fun.
10th June 2018
9 weeks of magic adventures on board the M/S Gabriella commencing right now.
We’re docked in Helsinki now and we’ll be sailing for Stockholm in about 4 or 5 hours.
I’m away all summer and will be back in the UK by 14th August and available for bookings from the 15th.
20th April 2018
Here’s my office for tonight.
I took the pics from the performers perspective this time so you can see the theatre.
I’ll be sad to leave this ship on Sunday.
20th April 2018
Good morning!
We’re sailing up the red sea towards Egypt and the end of this cruise ship adventure.
I’ve got my final two shows tonight and then we arrive in Egypt on Sunday where I’ll catch a flight to Cairo and then another to London Heathrow. Then I’ve got an overnight coach trip back up north.
I’ll be back in the UK and available to take bookings on land again by Monday.
I hear the weather has been nice in the UK
17th April 2018
Last night I got to perform on this stage in the beautiful theatre on board the MV Columbus.
I got a standing ovation in my first show on board this ship.
What an amazing start to the cruise.
16th April 2018
It’s a scorching hot day here on the Arabian sea on board the Columbus, which is a beautiful ship by the way.
15th April 2018
I’m away entertaining on board a cruise ship right now.
We’re sailing from Oman to Egypt which takes 6 days. I’ll be back in the UK early on 23rd April.
This is the best shot of the ship I could get from the taxi at the port in Muscat, Oman.
1st January 2018
Happy New Year everyone!
First gig of 2018 right behind me — at Amsterdam Sloterdijk.
9th October 2017
Leaving Lisbon last night on board the Marco Polo.
You can see the 25th April bridge in the background.
7th October 2017
Next port is Lisbon, Portugal for two days now.
It’s a beautiful sunny day, 30 degrees!!! — at Church of Santa Engrácia.
6th October 2017
Sneaky pic took through the curtains before the first show.
It was a full house for both shows and they went rather well. I’m felling quite pleased with myself
4th October 2017
We’re docked in La Rochelle, France today and I’m free to get off the ship and explore.
1st October 2017
Boarding the Marco polo for my next magic adventure. We’re off to France, Spain and Portugal. It’s a 10 day cruise, and the best part is it’s a UK pick up and drop offso no flights to contend with 😀
13th August 2017
That’s our final show show done. We’re heading back to the UK tomorrow!
I’ve been here on board the Gabriella for nine weeks and in that time I’ve performed
63 magic shows
32 magic workshops
63 UV puppet shows
I’ve had soooo much fun, and absolutely loved performing on board the ship. The guys who we’ve been working with have been absolutely fantastic and I feel I’ve made some really cool friends.
I’m sad that it’s over, but overjoyed that it happened.
12th August 2017
I’ve had great fun working with these guys for the past nine weeks on board the Gabriella but it’s almost time for me to go home.
Thanks so much for making me feel so welcome and a part of the team. — somewhere on the Baltic Sea.
11th August 2017
Today we’re docked in Stockholm and I’m being an annoying tourist trying things on that I have no intention of buying. — at Gamlastan Stockholm.
8th August 2017
We’ve got a full day docked in Helsinki today so we caught the ferry over to the fortress island.
Behind me you can see the fortress with the Finnish military flag in the background — at Suomenlinna / Suomenlinna Sea Fortress.
19th July 2017
I pass this every time we’re docked in Helsinki. It seemed a shame not to get a pic of it. — at SkyWheel Helsinki.
1st July 2017
Estonia! Just a flying visit though, we’re only docked for just over an hour — at Port of Tallinn.
14th June 2017
Took the opportunity to get a better shot of the ship while it’s docked in Stockholm
14th June 2017
— at Vasamuseet / The Vasa Museum.
I’m visiting the Vasa museum in Stockholm today.
Launched in 1628 and immediately toppled over and sank because the king kept insisting on putting more and more cannons on board despite the advice of the experts which told him it would make the ship too top heavy.
It’s amazing and I’d highly recommend a visit if you’re ever in Stockholm.
11th June 2017
There’s my home for the next 9 weeks behind me. The MS Gabriella currently docked in Helsinki Finland.
31st December 2016
And there’s tonights gig — at Ijmuiden Port, Netherlands.
31st December 2015
We’re an hour ahead here in Amsterdam so happy new year everyone!
Peace, love and magic tricks to you all.
They like their fireworks here, I can tell you that for free. I’ve never seen so many all going off at once. — at Westergasfabriek.